Helsingin yliopiston hallinnon julkaisuja
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://hdl.handle.net/10138/15
Helsingin yliopiston hallinnon julkaisusarjaan (Helsingfors universitetsförvaltnings publikationer / University of Helsinki, Administrative Publications) on koottu suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi: (1) Raportit ja selvitykset, (2) Toiminta- ja vuosikertomukset, (3) Strategiat ja suunnitelmat, (4) Hakemistot, oppaat ja ohjeet, ja (5) Arvioinnit.
Julkaisusarjan ISSN-tunnisteet:
1795-5521 (pdf) / 1795-5416 (nid.)
1795-5378 (pdf) / 1795-5386 (nid.)
1795-5513 (pdf) / 1795-5408 (nid.)
1795-553X (pdf) / 1795-5424 (nid.)
1795-5505 (pdf) / 1795-5394 (nid.)
Recent Submissions
Item Summary Report on Doctoral and Supervisory Experience at the University of Helsinki(University of Helsinki, 2022) Pyhältö, Kirsi; Tikkanen, Lotta; Anttila, HenrikaThis report is part of the research-based development of doctoral education in the four doctoral schools at the University of Helsinki. Its aim is to contribute research-based evidence pertaining to the development of doctoral education at the University of Helsinki by exploring the doctoral and the supervisory experience in the doctoral schools. Doctoral candidates’ experiences of doctoral education were analysed in terms of four complementary aspects of the training: the doctoral dissertation process, supervision and the research community, well-being, and course work. The supervisory experience involved three complementary themes: doctoral supervision, support for supervisory development, and well-being. The report consists of a summary of the results based on data collected from doctoral candidates and doctoral supervisors at the University of Helsinki in late spring and early autumn 2021.Item Research Assessment Exercise 1999(University of Helsinki, 2000) Hämäläinen, EsaItem International evaluation of research and doctoral training at the University of Helsinki 2005-2010(University of Helsinki, 2012) Saari, Seppo; Moilanen, AnttiItem Helsingin yliopiston Päärakennuksen rakennushistoriaselvitys 2017(Helsingin yliopiston rahastot, 2017) Winterhalter, Kati; Merenmies, Eija; Tainio, Kersti; Bonsdorff, MikkoItem